Philosophy and Background … What is YOUR purpose/aim/philosophy?



As part of my summer blogging – professional reflections – professional re-calibration and re-focus … I share this blog to reaffirm who I am (educationally speaking), what my aim is (macro/big picture) and what my philosophy is (foundation).

My aim is to support educational leaders so they can support teachers who, in turn, can support student learning, growth, and development.

What is your “aim” professionally?


The Mandarin Chinese symbol "listen" - the heart, ears, eyes ... together - Listen.
The Mandarin Chinese symbol “listen” – the heart, ears, eyes … together – Listen.

Educationally speaking, I have four degrees, three licenses, post-doctoral certification (ISAL Fellow): I earned my Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction from Loyola University Chicago in 2005; I earned my Ed.S. in Administration and Supervision from National-Louis University in 2009. I also earned a Master of Arts in Teaching from National Louis University in 1993 as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1991.


Earning all of these degrees and credentials does not necessarily indicate that I’m smart … it means I really like school, I truly embody life-long learning, and the “system” works for me. It also demonstrates through achievement that I hold very high expectations for success for myself and my aim is to transfer that desire for high expectations to all with whom I encounter.

Professionally speaking,  I’ve been a public school educator for more than 20 years, I have served as an assistant superintendent, a middle school associate principal, a principal, and a middle school teacher, teaching social studies, reading, and civics. Earning my doctorate in education in curriculum and instruction allowed me to test theories of learning in action.  In addition, I have proudly served as a Lion’s Club member and I proudly serve as a Rotarian.

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 Currently I proudly serve as the superintendent of schools for the Deerfield Public School District 109 in Deerfield, Illinois.

My Educational Philosophy: (as I have shared briefly in past posts)

Education is the most fundamental prerequisite for competitiveness. In addition to preparing our young citizens for the competition in the job market and post-secondary education, teachers and administrators must be deeply committed to helping young people learn to open their minds to new cultures and philosophies. I became a teacher to share my knowledge and experiences with our young citizens to prepare them for their futures. I became an administrator to more broadly impact public education and the opportunities for young people through sound management and inspirational leadership of teachers and educational support personnel in a school and school system. From my earliest entry in to this profession, I have believed in returning some of my personal benefits to help support and promote the common weal.

Our society is complex enough to present many challenges to people as they pass from childhood to adulthood. It is my firm belief that a strong foundation in educational preparation will support a person’s quest for success and prosperity. My philosophical foundation holds that young people are our windows to the future; working with them has given me a unique vantage point to assess their goals, needs and abilities. I have been, and I remain committed to preparing our young citizens, and those who teach and support them, for their futures – and ours.

In addition, I have become an expert in “cybergogy”, the pedagogy of online instruction. With more than 9 years of blended online/on ground higher education instructional experience, I find myself committed to new formats for education and instruction, and teaching in general, for all students. I am invested in supporting learning in as many formats and media available and possible as a 21st Century leader.

So I ask … as you reflect this summer – Who are you?

What is your philosophy?

Why do you lead?

I would love your feedback and comments!

2 thoughts on “Philosophy and Background … What is YOUR purpose/aim/philosophy?

  1. The traditional Chinese character for listen. I saw that at every training lead by a Chinese trainer while at Disney 🙂

    My educational-leadership philosophy is to help others become better each and every day. I strive to do that through genuine interaction, relationship-building communication, and more than a little desire to challenge people to move outside their comfort zones.

    There is no one-size-fits-all approach to education. Each individual needs and wants something different from an educational experience. Classrooms are communities and are ultimately about the relationships in the room, so education needs to be flexible enough to tailor itself to such a dynamic environment.

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