Engage 109 Podcast 3 with Jenny Miltimore

In DPS109 we are committed to the success of all learners – youth and adults. About every week Dr. Zoul and I are celebrating the engaging, inspiring, and empowering work of a member of the DPS109 faculty and staff. This week we interview Mrs. Jenny Miltimore, @JLMILTI on Twitter, who identifies some special features of historic Wilmot school and the trailblazing efforts of Jenny and her classroom.

Please take a few minutes and listen to wonderful work that Jenny does each and every day – this is representative of the outstanding work of the many fabulous teachers and staff members in DPS109.

#Engage109 Podcast Channel

Dr. Zoul and I are so proud of all DPS109 educators! In another form of communication and celebration, he and I are proud to share the inaugural #Engage109 Podcast Channel (see below). We will interview (10 minutes or less) an educator from DPS109 and we will share out news, updates, information, celebrations, and thoughts from our engaging, inspiring, and empowering public school district!