Walden School Improvements (Photo Gallery)

This summer we completed work (and we are still completing work) all across the District sites! School upgrades are essential so that the physical plant and physical space are integral components of the entire learning and school experiences. In this posting, I’m sharing photos of work in progress at Walden School! From new toilet rooms for the youngest of our students, to play spaces and outdoor improvements, we also improved air quality, increased fresh air circulation and air conditioned Walden School. As I’ve been posting and sharing all summer, we have increased air quality, security and safety, instructional spaces, labs and classroom spaces, flooring, roofing, ceilings, lighting – you name it and we probably had a project this summer! Our leadership teams will be able to lead in state-of-the art, modernized, updated learning and teaching facilities! Every member of the DPS109 family shares and benefits from the hard work of our awesome workers! Although we have limited classroom access this year and many classrooms will not have the complete teacher set ups until after school begins, it will pay dividends in student learning, teacher performance, and community growth!

This summer work took place at all seven sites – all six schools and the District Center New K-1 toilet rooms, updated, replaced fixtures






In addition to the new play space (larger, safer, and more engaging), the overall outside space is also safer and better designed for student and staff movement
The new playground is a reality thanks to the partnership and planning efforts of the District, the Deerfield Park District, and the Walden PTO
Updated cabinets and fixtures – all add to the learning environment and teacher and student work spaces


Cabinetry and casework to replace the univents – the vents that used to be used for heating and ventilation. The new air quality/air conditioning units are whisper quiet; another enhancement to the learning environment
