Professionalism in DPS109! A new Teacher’s Contract!

“It’s not about being the best. It’s about being better than you were yesterday.”
– Unknown

We are proud to announce the approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Education, Deerfield Public School District 109 and the Deerfield Education Association (IEA/NEA), through 2018-19!

Both the DEA and the Board of Education voted to ratify and approve the contract which takes effect August 24, 2015 and runs through August, 2019. The negotiation process was smooth and respectful – it was the earliest settlement with the fewest number of meetings. As a result of the contract, there willleadimage be a change in schedule to include early release days every Wednesday starting in the 2016-2017 school year.

The dismissal times will be one hour earlier (2:00pm for middle schools and 2:25pm for the elementary schools). To ensure student learning time is not impacted, there will be an additional instruction end, there will no longer be monthly grade level and building faculty meetings. Therefore, there will be more time for consistent and collaborative professional development and learning for staff, with no loss of teaching and learning time.

The District will coordinate with the PTOs and the Deerfield Park District to ensure there are programs that integrate with the new schedule. Please see the slide deck below for more information. With 20150311-111453.jpgquestions or concerns please visit and use LET’S TALK! – the District 109 24/7 communication tool.